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A kinetic glass wall with Agence Grenot

February 2010A kinetic glass wall with Agence Grenot

Atelier Bernard Pictet, with Agence Grenot, creates a kinetic glass wall

Bernard Pictet has created a white kinetic glass wall for the Paris head office of a leading French group. This semi-transparent partition filters light and view to separate  two spaces  without the effect of a wall. As the observer passes in front, the suggestion is that of a diaphanous, floating fabric.  The impression is subtle yet very much present.

The technique for "kinetic glass" has been developed and patented by Atelier Bernard Pictet.  Inspiration came from the "moving eye-kinetic art" movement of the 1950s which proposed new forms of perception incorporating the spectator's movements and optical illusion.

Kinetic glass produces  surprising optical effects of depth,  vibration, movement, shimmer, appearance and disappearance.  The colour and transparency, reflective proper ties and light diffusion of a kinetic glass wall can all be finely-adjusted.

Atelier Bernard Pictet works with architects to propose glass creations for the reception halls, meeting rooms and executive offices of the headquar ters of major groups.

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